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Rules & Policies
General Rules
1. For Newcomer Prelim classes, rider and horse combination must not have scored more than 65% in any preliminary standard dressage competition.
2. All arenas and tests are 20X40m. We have some 20X60m arena tests that you can choose from. Please specify upon entering if you are choosing the long arena option.
3. For RoR, Veteran, Senior Riders, Young Horse or Cobs Can classes an intro, prelim or novice test can be ridden. The highest score wins the class.
4. For the Freestyle to Music class riders can compete in intro to advanced medium level. Depending on class numbers these may be separated or amalgamated with the highest score winning the class.
5. For the Blooper class the cost is £5 an entry. The best blooper wins.
6. Some tests will be our own and some are from Dressage Ireland, The Pony Club etc. These will be published in our Drop Box folder on the website. Tests are announced at the beginning of the league.
7. Tests are all judged by qualified, experienced, listed judges. These will be announced each week.
8. The price for each test is £18.00 paid via the website (debit card or PayPal options available.) No entries can be accepted without full payment in advance.
9. Prices include rosettes and the rider’s test sheet posted out.
10. The organizer refuses the right to refuse entry without any explanation.
Tack and Dress Rules
1. Tack: Dressage Ireland tack rules apply to all classes except lead rein where any suitable tack is allowed.
2. No boots are allowed on horses.
3. Horses do not need to be plaited.
4. Horse and rider should be neat and tidy - no show dress is necessary.
5. A BS hat, gloves and correct footwear must be worn.
League Rules:
1. To be eligible for league prizes, the same horse / rider combination must compete in six out of eight weeks (one of which has to be the final.)
2. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the league and these will be determined by the amount of entries in each class.
3. League placings will be worked out with the final show score plus the best other four scores from weeks one - seven (your lowest scores from weeks one to seven will not be counted.)
Videoing Rules
1. Videoing: Whoever is videoing must stand at the letter C or the test will be invalidated.
2. The sound must be turned on and the date of videoing must be stated at the start of the video.
3. The name of the rider, horse and the test being ridden must also be stated at the start of the video.
4. In Dressage to Music classes, the music needs to be played live while the test is being filmed.
5. Videos are to be sent via WhatsApp to: 07805901744. Alternatively, a You Tube link or a video file can be emailed.
6. Entry and video submission deadline is 6.00 pm the Friday evening before the show date. All submissions must be in by this time or they will not be accepted.
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